Collingtree Parish Council
Parish Councils are the most local tier of local governance and in Collingtree the PC has direct responsibility for services such as some street lighting and the management of the playing field.
It must also be consulted on a range of planning and highway proposals that affect the parish and is able to raise money through a local tax (precept) for projects that benefit its residents.
Following a review in 2010, changes were made to the boundaries between the Nene Valley and East Hunsbury wards to equalise the number of electors. As a result the Collingtree Parish is divided between the two wards with the 'Collingtree North' (Collingtree Park) section coming under East Hunsbury ward and 'Collingtree South (the original Village) remaining in Nene Valley ward. This has now changed again. There continues to be 7 members of the Parish Council, with 3 from the north and 4 from the south.
Parish Clerk. Amy Holt 07791000095 Email:
Parish Council website - see this link
Conservation Area
The centre of the old village was designated as a Conservation Area in 1978. The intention is to preserve the history and character of the High Street and adjoining areas, the 10 listed buildings and the unique layout of boundary walls and the use of local stone. Conservation Area status, gives the local authority the power to control changes to windows and other external features. A Management Review of the Conservation Area was undertaken by the Borough Council in 2008 and the boundary of the area was extended.
Conservation Area Advisory Committee. Chairman. John Green 01604 763468 Email:

Council Meetings
Meetings are held every six weeks and are open to all residents to attend although they can only speak if invited to do so by the Chairman. Minutes of meetings are displayed in the noticeboards outside the Village Room and at the end of Turnberry Lane in Collingtree Park.
Parish Council Contact Please make any contact with the Parish Council through the Clerk Shirley Wong (see above). Minutes of all meetings are placed in the PC notice boards and email versions can be gained from the Clerk.